“Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.” ― Rumi
Helping new developers navigate the overwhelming landscape of software development.
You will be given an array of arrays... · CHALLENGE Array Combinations Instructions: In this Kata, you will be given an array of arrays and your task...
Square(n) Sum · CHALLENGE Square(n) Sum Instructions: Complete the square sum function so that it squares each number passed into it and then sums the...
“A good chart widens our imagination and enhances our understanding by providing insights from numbers.” - Alberto Cairo, How Charts Lie · After dabbling...
Introducing #100DaysOfCodeAndCare ! Let's cook up something new. · EDIT: This post was written in September 2021. In October 2021, I was diagnosed with...
Mintbean.io Hackathon Challenge · Mint Scream! Is our submission to the Mintbean.io Hackathon. Deployed Game || View the Code The Constraints: The...
Solving our very first Codewars kata in Javascript. · Okay! We've previously .... approached the shore.... gathered our basic gear....and practiced with...